Home > Artworks > Jorge Gonzáles Pérez

Photo of Jorge Gonzáles Pérez Colombia

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JORGE GONZALEZ was born in 1980 in the village of Arauquita warm Arauca department, as a child he showed his talent as a cartoonist, but it was in 2000 in Bogotá when he began the process that led him to discover the world of art. In 2003 he met John MANRYQUE Master degree from the Universidad Nacional de...

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JORGE GONZALEZ was born in 1980 in the village of Arauquita warm Arauca department, as a child he showed his talent as a cartoonist, but it was in 2000 in Bogotá when he began the process that led him to discover the world of art. In 2003 he met John MANRYQUE Master degree from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, who walked with his knowledge and expertise on the path of painting and sculpture,

In 2004 a theoretical-practical conference art at the National Pedagogical University of Bogotá

10pt "> In 2007 participated in the visual arts graduate HISTORIC RALLY IN COLOMBIA at the University of Cundinamarca.

In 2008 he was selected to participate in the seminar-workshop NEW TOOLS FOR BUILDING IN THE VISUAL ARTS, Faculty of Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia ..


7 August 2006 Bogotá Corporation

2006 Tribute to Women living Colsubsidio Bogotá

2006 Ministry of Social Protection, Bogotá

2006 Second living artists Cundinamarca Cundinamarca

Grandmasters 2006 Bogotá Universidad Libertadores

2007 Third artists living Gobernación de Cundinamarca Cundinamarca

2007 First Festival of Art Barrios Unidos Bogotá

2007 Departmental Artists XVIII Pradilla Cundinamarca

2008 First Center Art Lounge Chia Cundinamarca

2008 60 Years of violence in Colombia Jorge Eliecer Gaitán Theatre

2009 Meeting Cundinamarca department of artists 20 Years

2009 V Hall of Fra Angelico art Bogotá

2010 International Young Art Biennial of Bogotá rise

2010 XXI Department of Cundinamarca Artists

I Ecolombiano Expoartesanías 2010 2010 Corferias

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2007 Universidad Nacional de Colombia Building Human Sciences postgraduate Bogotá

The Gallery 2008 Cesar Bogotá

Tele interview with friend and Subsequent recording of the Art Masters program


Third Honorable Mention artists living Cundinamarca 2007

Honorable Mention XVIII Encuentro 2007 Cundinamarca department of artists

First Honorable Mention XXI 2010 Department of Cundinamarca Artists


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